The Task: Make a short film (2- 3 minutes) about France
The Prize: A DAY TRIP TO PARIS for a class of up to 30 on Eurostar including travel within Paris, refreshments and entry to the Eiffel Tower.
Format: A film (on AVI or MPEG format)
Content: From actors to artists, footballers to popstars,
from the Tour de France to the Cannes Film Festival -
what inspires you about France? Find out and make a film!
Style::Write and film a speech, a news report, a play or a comedy sketch about your favourite French icon, place or building. Or, if you are musical, write a song, set up a class band or a choir and sing about them!
Language:English, French or both!
Films: Individual entries or group/class entries all welcome (maximum 5 entries per school)
Closing Date: 4th April 2014
See your French teacher for more details and check if you can enter.
For more details check the following website: