Sunday, 8 September 2013

Bonne rentrée

Let's start the year by refreshing our memories with some simple French phrases. The following discussion was done by a Yr 8 class. I have now added the captions so that you can hear the French and also read it. Enjoy et bonne rentrée!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Bonne chance pour vos resultats

In 2012 the French department achieved a very pleasing 70% A*-C pass rate. Fingers crossed the results this year will show the hard work of our students and dedicated staff. Bonne chance les filles :-)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

TAFAL 2013

We are sending 2 pairs to the TAFAL competition in Woodbridge High School on Thursday 11th July. Both pairs are competing in Tamul this year, best of luck :-)

Friday, 7 June 2013

Mrs Vandertramp!

get yourself familiar with Mrs Vandertramp!

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Year 8s have been busy creating their own puppet show, check this one out! Le français est fantastique, bravo les filles.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Voyage à Paris 2013 - visite de la Basilique du Sacré-Coeur

Friday morning we got on the "Métro" and walked all the stairs which took us all the way to the Sacré Coeur Basilica.

From all across Paris you can see the Basilica, situated in the heart of the village of Montmartre, north of the capital. We went inside to admire the stunning stained glass windows while a service was taking place.

Take a little more time to discover the history of the Basilica, which is an on going aventure :

Voyage à Paris 2013 - Le mur des "je t'aime"

This year we went to see "le mur des je t'aime" in the city of romance.

"In a world marked by violence and dominated by individualism, walls, like frontiers, are usually made to divide and to separate people and to protect them from one another. On the contrary, LE MUR DES JE T'AIME (I love You : The Wall) is a link, a place of reconciliation, a mirror which reflects an image of love and peace downtown Paris Montmartre, in France.

With over 311 written declarations in 250 different languages, I love You : The Wall has become a meeting place for lovers."

More info on :